Friday, June 29, 2012

Giant Bug

I haven't updated in a while because I haven't really done much! Just lots of moving and cleaning and painting of apartments and my house! Today we got 2 kittens for the house. It has been interesting thus far. In fact the whole house moving has. My room is looking great mostly. I got 3 black bookshelves on Craigslist for $40 which if bouht new at Target where they are from would have been 89+40+40. SO i got a deal! One is a little broken but nothing some glue and screws can't fix. I also saw a nice black desk at Goodwill yesterday so when my parents come back with the truck tomorrow i might see if it is still there. It would look nice i think. Living with others has been a little eh for me thus far. No major problems yet though which is good. I think right now the kittens are hiding under the sofa i am on. Grandpa made me some awesome curtains and brought them by a few days ago. Today i opened them though and saw a HUGE BUG. I didn't wait to see if it was on the inside or outside of my window i just booked it out of there. Screaming that there was the biggest bug in the world in my room. Rosalyn went to get a cup because she's getting used to being my spider getter and knowing how i scream about them. But this needed like a big cup to get it out! So Megan and Roz went in expecting it to be smaller but NOPE. I swear this thing was like 3 inches tall and 2 wide. SCARY. and there were TWO!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! SCARY as EXPLETIVE. So we were happy my room has 3 windows and no screens because it meant we could throw the cups of bugs out the window. But how long were they in there and i just didn't know!? I swear they were like something out of Jumanji or Jurassic Park or something!!! I think Megan got a picture but i was like NOPE i'm out for this project But they got them out and i think they were something like this:

But they were scary and i did NOT want them anywhere near me. I'm afraid what a sting from them would do to a person! BLECH. But yeah. Not that much has been going on lately. Just kinda been hangin.

I did OPAS lights again last week and this time made some $$$! One week 35 hours $400. I like that! I'd do it again! But i would probably do it again anyways.

My room is Purple and Grey with Silver Curtains and Black furniture. I really like it. I feel like it is the calm room in the house among all these bright colors. Which is exactly what i need. Roommate living has been kinda hard for me. But i'll adjust i'm sure. Today i was surprised by a gift to myself getting here from Victoria's Secret getting here 3 days early! I certainly was happy. I love that place but they are always so expensive. It's worth it to me but it makes it one of those "whenever-i-can-afford-it-and-sacrifice-other-things" things. Gift cards to there would always make a good gift though for birthdays or something! But that's okay. I deserve it. Oh! Speaking of which i got a 4.0 last term! So that's cool. Only one B this year and the rest A's. I am happy with that.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fused Glass

I put it on white so you could see colors. It was actually really fun! Though REALLY expensive. It would be cool to go again though. But with prices probably won't be for quite a while. But it was super cool. I wish the purple was brighter. But it's on clear and all the glass is see through.

Overall pretty AWESOME!

More Crayon Art!

This is my Turtle Crayon Art! I made it by putting the crayons through  a hot glue gun. Very Messy for the gun. But Pretty cool in person. Some of the colors have other crayon colors in hem so it makes a cool marble swirly effect.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm always quick to jump the gun...

On assuming people don't want to hang out with me... The girls went shopping at Target and didn't invite me... Even though i was just downstairs... It's not a big deal... But it is kinda sad... I guess i have friend abandonment issues now... Always have but hurts more after Linfield...


So i got my third writing paper back yesterday. And he was like i have yours done if you want to stay after class i will give it to you. And i was like sweet. So i waited and he was like I'm really glad your here because I'm torn between giving you a B or a C. And i was like well crap. I guess that i countered myself from something i said in my conclusion. But he gave me the B so that's good. I have the option of redoing one of my papers to average it my three scores. But i got A, A, and B. SO that's an A. SO I think iI will just not. SO that's good.

I've been playing a lot of Harvest Moon lately. If you don;t know it the game it's okay. It's just a chill little game where you run a farm and go fishing or mining and stuff. It's mostly a time killer but it's fun and relaxing. I think i played for like five hours last night though because the girls were all gone to various places and the boys were playing Magic. So I was pretty bored. Feels like summer... So that's good? But it's a fun game.

I fell asleep at Spencers last night and then slept on his couch. Which would have been fine. But the middle cushion fell out so i woke up like IN the couch.And now my back really hurts... Like a lot. Like don't want to move. So that was really not smart of me. But :-/

Grandpas been getting me a lot of kitchen stuff he says which has been great. The other girls have some but once they move out and end up taking all their stuff it will be super nice to already have my own that I am used to using. And we'll have enough! But yeah I'm pretty excited about that considering my 4 of each kind of dishes are... Plastic... Lol so yeah! Excited!

My term is almost over which is exciting. I think my two finals are on Monday. So it gets everything out of the way. Then i have to pack all my stuff up. To move to.... Somewhere. :-)

Glass fusing class with Uncle Bill tomorrow! Should be good!