Sunday, September 30, 2012

Laptop Skin

I decided to get a laptop skin for my laptop. I got to pick the picture so i picked this because it isn't overly obnoxious so i can still feel sort of professional when going to class with it. Also, i like the colors a lot. SO basically I love it. And it is awesome. The colors are actually a little brighter but it still looks good. I cut out the hp circle because  I think it looks way better uncovered. Plus it lights up so that's cool when its dark to see it. :-)

Schedule Fall 2012

Ankles and Crutches and France! Oh my!

So on Monday when I fell down the stairs I twisted my ankle pretty bad. And it just wasn't getting better because I couldn't rest it. So after dad telling me i should think about crutches and my French teacher yelling at me to get crutches or else i would die, I got some. And they were a pain in the BUTT. I used them for one day and they gave me like huge bruises on my arms and like bruised my ribs on the sides and callused my hands. It was just a pain. But the next day when I had an appointment to go see someone about it, it felt better. So yay! But also why did i do crutches. I don't know. But it was dumb.

I am starting my Study Abroad information stuff. I am looking at programs and discovering that I don't like any of the programs very much that happen in the summer so I feel like I need to do it in the Spring or Fall or Winter... Which leads me to think i should do Fall of next year. That would allow me to go to the Fête de lumières in Lyon. Which I would love to be able to go to... So that would be AMAZING. Yeah that pretty much settled it... That's what I want. Committed. Also that would allow me to try and find a job next summer? So that I could have more money to spend. Yeah I like this idea. Yep. Anyways that was about 10 minutes of thought right there. But i have signed up for a study abroad info. session which is in 2 weeks. So i won;t have my break on Wednesday it will be straight 10-5. Blech. Oh well. Worth it!

Personally this last week was a little crazy. I feel like i will be kept really busy in my classes. I feel embarrassed in my french class because my speaking is not up to par with everyone else or i am not comfortable talking in it. (Which is why i am taking the conversation class) but its sucky so i try and make up for it by being really good on my studying each night. I am also taking Algebra which gives me homework every night but it is Algebra which i did in 8th grade so i am set on it. Just takes 45 minutes to an hour a night. French is about 2. And Literature is about 2-2 1/2 every other? And drawing i have no clue. Whatever i don't get done. But my schedule is getting to be a handful i feel like. I guess that is why most people don't take 18 credits a term if they can help it... Oh well.

I feel like there is a lot of useless drama and ?'s in my house right now. And I've been trying to just not let anything get to me because I really don't have time for it. But mostly now I feel like in the week /half the weekend all I do is homework or classes which is fine just kinda boring/ monotonous.

Monday, September 24, 2012

College Yr.2 D1

My day so far. 
Left 30 minutes early. Then was late to class because i couldn’t find a parking spot. I live 5 minutes from the school. Walked in late to my class of 6 people. Butchered french. Fell down a flight of stairs in front of the class and my french teacher. Went to math. Ran to my car to make it to my massage. Had massage where my stomach was growling. Ate a pizza. Drank a juice box. Watched friends.
At least it is looking up? I’m planning on a jello cup after my last class.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

70 Sheets College Ruled

So every year before school starts i get super anxious. I don;t really know why but i suspect it comes from always trying to be sure i got perfect grades and everything ws set-up perfectly from the start for me to succeed and make a good impression on teachers and stuff. But needless to say that i a the queen of FREAKING OUT before school starts. Happens in the semester/terms too but it is always THE WORST after summer. And to be honest what am i really going to be doing tomorrow other than sitting and listening to course info and the syllabus but for some reason it is stressful. (Good thing i get a massage tomorrow!)
But regarless to all that the best way i have found for me to calm down during this very anxious and stressful time is to do some sort of collage. In past years i usually do about 5-6 with construction paper and magazines and i usually like how they turn out. Unfortunately, i neither had construction paper or magazines and my scissors have gone haywire sooo I couldn't do that. Instead i used all of Rosalyns sharpies and colored on my notepads for my notes. Here are the results:

Beginning Drawing 2D

French 300

British Literature. The B is a top hat/vest/monocle/pipe dude

College Algebra. MATH.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Glow Ball!

So i'm home this weekend with Spencer because Megans sisters bridal shower/ bachelorette party. And Dad asked if Spencer and i would like to play in a Glow Ball golf game. We both said no. But then we found out their team of 4 had turned into a group of 2 and they were already registered. So we were like yeah okay let's go. So we both ended up going and we had a really good time. Glow Ball is cool because it is like regular golfing but in the dark with glow sticks and glow in the dark balls and they have led lights on the flags, stakes, and teeing off things. They come in different colors I primarily played pink but also green and blue:
It is so dark so you can't see anything but it is really fun. I like it better than real golf because it's less competitive and stressful. I suck at golf hardcore but it was all in the dark so it really eliminated the need for skill. It's so hard because you can't see the face of your club to see where it is going and you can't see the slopes of the green so putting is really hard. But it was really good. I had some good hits i think. The glow balls don't go as far as regular ones so they shortened the course a bit. I think we lost 3 glow balls overall and about 6 regular ones. Not because we were hitting regular ones but because Spencer fell into a 10ft.ish whole and his bag was open and caught himself before he fell all the way down. It was really funny. It happened that mom was joking that we forgot a club that was actually this big crowbar and then Spencer decided that we should use it. So we took it and all had a chance with it which was interesting because it is really short!!! But it did give us the best ball one time that i used it! It's a fun putter. I was really glad that i went. It was nice doing something with my dad and brother.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


2012 has a lot less posts than 2011. I guess because now that i have a schedule less things are exciting. Not much has been happening lately. I have started playing this game called Dofus again with Spencer and might go teach Eli how to play tonight. It is basically a game where you make a little character and there are different types of characters like archers or summoners or healers and from there you go fight things to get new items and equipment. It is just a good time killer and I find it relaxing. The game has a free to play mode where it restricts how high you can level and where you can go in the game. I am thinking of getting a subscription to it but haven't done it yet. But i have really been enjoying playing it.

I have also started recently biking more. I miss feeling good about how i look and when i feel like I can go out and do something active i feel better about myself. Which is nice. And I get in shape and out of the house. I've biked to the light to turn to Dallas which is 3 miles away and today i biked to Rickreal which is 5. I need some kind of fanny pack or bike pouch or something to keep my Ipod and phone in when i go though. Right now i just stuff them in my sports bra but then they get kinda gross... So yeah. Oh and i listen to my ipod because the path I take doesn't have cars because it is a bike path. So i am safe!

I have also become a lot more consistent in reading my Bible the last couple months. I'm on Matthew right now but i am not really liking it as much as I have liked Luke or Romans or John. But so goes it. Lots of music too. Whenever i am alone or in the shower it's what i listen to. And i can really see the difference that God is making in my life. And i feel like he is just so incredible.

So I am happy. :-)