Thursday, May 24, 2012


So yesterday was a pretty shitty day.

1. Lit was more boring than usual...
2. In my french conversation class my professor decided that she wanted the class to read my 7 page french paper out loud. And it was the one with all the mistakes written on it... So cool. Now everyone was obviously aware of how sucky i was at my grammar. And it was embarrassing because I apparently did more than she was expecting but she was totally unclear about what she really wanted so I thought i had to do all that. And yeah.... :-/
3. I got a C on Mondays French Test.
4. Stamp testing started. Which is like the check to see if you are at the right proficiency level test. It was estimated to take 2 hours but the Spanish people took 3-7. I did one of 4 sections yesterday and it took an hour.
5. My french paper final paper was pushed to Tuesday because no one but me had even stated yesterday when it is supposed to be due today. SO cool. Spent all that time for nothin.
6. I now have to stamp test from 2-5 today instead of having a break in y day.
7. If i don't finish today i have to come in during Academic Showcase to finish.
8. Tuesday i spilled a soda all over me / had another shitty day.
9. I feel super broke but i am running out of jeans that fit/ don't have a hole in the crotch. I have shorts though but the weather needs to get better.
10. My sociology professor put me on the spot in my groups presentation. Its a 400 level class. And i am a freshman. Thanks for making me look like an idiot. Not my fault you were vague on your assignment.
11. That class lasted the full 3 hours instead of usual 2.
12. My appetite has been coming and going randomly.
13. My back has been hurting SOOOO bad. It like hurts to carry my backpack...
14. I have to do today.
15. My laundry/ dishes are piled up.

But here's my schedule. If you ask i'll email you the excel file that will print better. Parents. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Hard Pill to Swallow

This is  copy of my Rogerian Argment essay. I got an A. My teacher said it was a fun read. 
A Hard Pill to Swallow
Dear fellow Christian,
            How great is our God? The one who has placed you and I together here on this earth to enjoy a lifetime of memories together. We both share a belief in our one and only God, but I would like to think that we also share many other similar beliefs or preferences. And that we can see each other as friends with different experiences on earth. We share the simple fact that we are both people put on this earth to learn from each other and see how the other thinks and lives.
As a Catholic follower, you believe that artificial contraception is a sin. That God chooses who should birth a child and that by natural law sex should only be used for procreation; that no person should involve themselves in having sex for pleasure. You believe that sex can create too much intimacy within a couple and lead the couple away from God (Brom). You believe that even a married couple should not choose to use contraception and that instead if they feel they cannot support a child, they should abstain from each other’s company sexually.  You believe in holding strong to your traditions on birth control. You see any contraception as a modern symptom of a “culture of death” (Burke). This being that contraception is leading the world into a culture of killing unborn lives.
 I am aware of how my religion and yours were once very similar in our idea of contraception, that it was sinful. Our religions both once agreed upon never using contraception, if it was Gods will for us to have a child that we should do nothing to prevent it. When my religion changed its view of contraception it must have been difficult for your religion to not fold to social pressure (Brom). Though you may have lost attendance for not breaking your stance, I applaud Catholicism for continuing to believe in your historic position. A strong belief in every aspect of your own religion is admirable, and it is apparent how you interpret the scriptures to lead you to accept your beliefs. But does it not also make sense to see why other religions have moved to seeing contraception as un-sinful? Not in a way as to persuade opinion but to see each others point of view to gain an understanding. It is said in the Bible that “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple” (New Revised Standard Version, Prov. 119:113). In saying this it is clear that God wants us to seek an understanding among all men of faith. I believe a friendly discussion of our interpretations on God’s word will be positive in gaining understanding between each other.
            Most churches have shifted their view on contraception for health reasons. According to Devin Dwyer of ABC News, contraception is the most common drug taken by young to middle aged women in the United States (Dwyer). This may be for reasons that you would not expect. Birth control pills are taken by many women for means other than stopping procreation. A recent survey done by the Guttmacher Institute showed that 1.5 million women in the United States are taking birth control for reasons other than preventing a baby, and almost half of these women have never had sex (Weimar). This shows that many women really are taking birth control for other reasons. Contraception can be used as a drug to help women for many reasons other than preventing the birth of a child such as the clearing of acne, balancing of hormones, and prevention of cramps. Should hospitals not use the best medicine out there to help their patients even if the pills have side effects which the church does not agree with? For medical reasons it may be useful for even Catholic hospitals to be allowed to prescribe artificial contraception as it will benefit women’s health.
            It may surprise you to know that there are already Catholic hospitals providing contraception to their patients. Many states have laws that require all hospitals in their state to prescribe contraception regardless f religious affiliation (Goldberg). Many Catholics already have access to artificial contraception, so the Obama Health Plan policy of requiring all hospitals in the US to provide contraception to clients may not be much of a change from what is already occurring. I have in no means written this to dismiss your belief, but merely to make you think of how Catholicism may not be hurt by Obama’s policy. Your church will continue to preach against contraception as it does now, or continue to support the choice of each person’s own belief if that is the case. Obama is not trying to make an attack upon your religion, but rather to provide availability to those who are seeking it, especially for other medical reasons. If a devout Catholic couple is not having sexual intercourse, but the woman feels she needs the contraception for other reason is it right to deny her when it is the best medication for her?
            I propose not denying this woman’s rights to the best medication for her. If Catholic hospitals are required to provide birth control they can still preach and warn about the sin involved in taking it. Following a religion in the end is a person’s own belief and choice, and there will be many who will choose whether to take the contraception or not and for what reason. If they were to go to a Catholic hospital to obtain it then the Catholic doctors would be able to warn about the sin that Catholicism feels is involved in taking it. This would be a good way for those who want the pill to be able to access it but with warning of their choice by people of Catholic faith.
            I hope I have not overstepped or been too quick to judge how your religion views this subject.  I am deeply sorry if I have not spoken truly in accordance with your beliefs. I know that while we do not agree on the use of contraception for means of preventing procreation that we may agree on its use for other medical reasons. I wish for us to continue to come to an agreement on what the best way is for the Obama Health Plan policy to allow contraception without harming your religion. While we may not have the same views, I hope that we both share the view that we are all children of God who should learn and respect each other on earth, and be able to learn from each other through meaningful discussion.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Cool things that happen at 1:30 in the morning when you can't sleep and have class from 10-7 tomorrow: you hear water falling from someplace so you turn the light on to investigate and your fridge door hasn't been closed in who knows how long and the freezer has melted and overflowed the empty ice cube tray and now has spilled onto the fridge and onto the carpet. And my milk is spoiled. AWESOME.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Next to Normal

We went to a really good play today at Artist Repitory Theatre in Portland. It was suuuper good. I wish i could see it again. Also went with the family to Heidis Wedding Reception. But back to the play. When i was there i got really sad that i'll never be able to do lighting seriously. And i chose this so i think it is still for the best. I can;t have the lifestyle that i want that way. And I don't want to have to analyze everything ever in theatre to do it. I really like the experience that i had in high school with it and I don't want anything to dilute that...

I do think that it is important for me to do something that provides an emotional outlet. Which is why i think that English is good. I wish i could write mostly. I think i would love that. I just have trouble articulating my thoughts into something that could be worthy of being published. But that's also a bad job for life depending. I don't write much now because i just don't have time. I feel so busy all the time i feel like i never get to do anything. I need summer to get here...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Disaster Porn!

Actually just cool pictures of disasters. But its called Disaster Porn.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Flowers 2 done

I finished my paintings! I am really happy with how they turned out. And i like that i did them. Now i need another project though. But it was fun!

Also i am sick. I sound like a teenage boy going through puberty. Sore throat, coughing, etc. Blech!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lit. Tests

Totally just kicked ass at my Lit midterm! I am good at them i think. Last midterm fro the same professor i got a 99/100 and then this time i'm sure i got at least 92. And then after i finished it was like one of the last people and i was like wait... He has my final from last term! SO i asked him for it back and i got a 97! SO BAAAAMMMMM. I am Boss at Lit! P.s. thats wishbone. I never really watched him much. But he is boss like me!

Also after Lit i hiked to Valsetz to get food before my french conversation class and then huffed it back and up 3 flights of stairs. And then i noticed my ipod had a lot of emails. So i was like i'll read them i got a ew minutes. Turns out i had 3 1/2 hours since both of my frnech classes were CANCELLED!!!!! WOOT! And Wednesdays are my worst and longest days!!!! SCOOORRRRREEEEE!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More art!

I half drew/ half traced this. Most of it wasn't dark enough to show through the canvas so i improvised. My Uncle Bill blew it up more for me. It was a tiny image. And there's another that goes with this one but it isn't done or started yet.

HEY YOU! RIGHT THERE! YEAH YOU! :-) Hi hansome. :-)