Monday, November 5, 2012


What a rough couple of days. I have been feeling exhausted lately. 18 credits with the classes that they are kinda kills me sometimes. Especially this stupid art class that is 6 hours a week and 12 on Saturdays. Because of how much work I have to do for it. Thats just obnoxious. This past week i had my midterm papers. They were kinda hard and i am not happy with them. In general just boring and not super well written with good translations. It has been a while since i wrote a real essay so it just gets away from me. Anyways those are due on Tuesday along with my French essay and vocab test and a math test. Not hard but just a lot of work. This weekend I went and looked at a wedding venue with Spegan. It was alright. I think not their style. The ceremony part was but the actual reception wasn't what i think they are looking for. Yesterday though it all just hit me like how much stuff is going on. And mostly how much money everything is going to cost me. I feel like i have less time than work. When we got back home yesterday i just crashed on Rosalyns bed and unloaded my stress. My problem with all this wedding stuff is that it isn't happening on a timeline that makes sense to me. Which is whatever but it's sucky when i block out a day to do wedding stuff and get in that mindset that we just from lets spend 5 hours today looking at one venue. Then come home and lets do homework all night. I dunno maybe it is just me thinking wouldn't this make more sense to just take a full day and look at 3 or 4 places and get that scheduled so that we don't have to make 4 different trips? I guess because we have to have every person in the families opinion. But i guess what makes no sense to me isn't that but for which areas of the wedding does who's input or opinion matter. I dunno maybe it's better for me to just go hands off for the wedding. I don't really understand what is going on anymore.

I have been feeling like i am going to throw up for like a week now. I think it i from stress but it is really annoying. Tonight Rosalyn and I went to Olive Garden in order to de-stress/ we had been craving it. afterwords we went to Target and that was fun.  This was after spending 3 and a half hours at the library writing on of my papers.I need to get a move on with my France stuff. And tomorrow i have to meet with my adviser to figure out next terms classes for sure. I hope it doesn't go horrible. But mostly lately i am getting that sense of oh crap i have to spend so much money on stuff soon. Which makes me stress out. It makes me feel like i need to have a job right now in order to pay for stuff that is coming up. But really do i have time for that? I wish...

I need to send out my Christmas list.

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