Sunday, April 21, 2013

Classes and a Birthday Party

School has been a little hectic lately so I haven't had a lot of spare time to write. My classes are all going good. I am enjoying my linguistics class even though I don't necessarily understand it fully. I have been having trouble with phonetics which is when you spell words based on sounds and not based on actual spellings. Which has also been hard because we are doing a lot of that in french this term so the sounds and symbols for sounds aren't always the same in English and French. So that has been difficult. I am also taking french songs which has been fun but also a little weird because she has never taught this class before. I feel like some things go over my head or i don't feel as prepared for that class as I should be but then when I go I feel that I am more prepared than the other girls in the class. I am also taking Yoga! Which I have really been enjoying. Especially ball days on Fridays when we use the big exercise balls to do stuff. I think it is really fun. I'm taking it with Rosalyn and she doesn't always see eye to eye with me when it comes to the class. But I also work out between my french classes on Tuesday and Thursday. I feel like it is good for me. I think I need more exercise. Lately I have been having a little bit of chest pain if i go too long though. So hopefully it is nothing... I also work out on Fridays after Yoga with Chelsea. Her and I have gotten pretty close these past couple weeks. I think because we both have a similar personality when it comes to what we want to do. I feel like she also understand where I am coming from emotionally a little more than anyone else because we have a had some similar experiences. So it has been nice to have someone around who does a lot of the same things that I do.

My birthday was great this year!!! Much better than last year. I had pizza with my Salem family and also had a party with my friends. Everyone who came had to fit the theme of being from a different country. So everyone had to dress like their country. I thought it was fun. We had a wonderful DQ ice cream cake with dinosaurs on it provided by MegaWack. When we went to go get one there were no cakes in their freezer and I almost cried because I had been looking forward to it so much. Luckily their freezer had just broke so all their cakes were in the back. Phew! But we played DDR and Just Dance and it was a good time had by all. I invited my friend Victoria from high school who recently transferred to WOU so that was cool that she wanted to come and hang out. I am going to try and remember to start including her more! I was also happy that Bryces boyfriend Joe came even though Bryce couldn't. He's nice.

Today i have been feeling really tired and took a nap. I stayed up pretty late last night for my party. But I have been on homework overload for the past couple hours. My french teacher accidentally scheduled a lot of stuff to be due tomorrow. She even apologized. But it's okay. I don't find it very difficult, just time consuming... But i'll survive. It is only preparation for this coming Fall!

I met with dad last Friday to talk to Financial Aid about what is going on with funds for going abroad. They pretty much said we can give more money but throughout the whole year. So I will be getting extra money than usual in the Winter and Spring which I will just put back into my loans I assume. We'll also have a gap to cover between the cost of the program and how much i get for loans. I think. A lot of the meeting went over my head. But I should be getting an email at the end of this week or beginning of next that will be more informative of how much is going where and what it is all going to cost. My Fall term is going to cost more than a full year at WOU. But hey... Still cheaper than Linfield!!!! ;~)

Overall I am just happy that things seem to be going alright. I am keeping busy so that is good. Chelsea has been stressing about needing to find a job... And that make me wish that I could get a job this summer... But logistically I am not sure if I could with the wedding stuff, and OPAS, and having to go to San Fran for my visa, and getting ready to do everything. I don't really know... On one hand it would be really great to find a job that was flexible that would let me take all these random days off. And it would be great to have extra money for France for sure. But I just don't know if there is really much out there that I could do... Especially because who would want to hire me for such a short time. Because I leave in the first week of September... And can't really work until July. But then there is the wedding stuff... So... I don't know... :-/ I feel bad that I don;t have a job... But that a lot of people my age do. And a lot of people my age do full classes a job and have kids. I am glad that isn't me because I don't know how I would do it.

I guess i'll just keep trying to keep my eye out for something.

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