Sunday, October 28, 2012

IAU - First Look

This is the website to the college abroad i am applying for:
It doesn't really say much about the school but mostly about being abroad.

This is more fun to look at. It is collection of photos taken by people who are there.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

After 12 1/2 hours straight...

Art project finally done. I'm exhausted and done. Its 12:48...time to sleep.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I Kinda Hate My Art Teacher/ Everything Else

All he does is waste my time, make me spend a crap ton of money on stuff i will never use, ruin things i am working on by illustrating things for me ON my project, and then tells me i have to do it again. And uses my paint brushes wrong so that they get all messed up. Talk in a language that i don;t unsertand or care about.

I mean i can't just have an idea of what i want to do but he has to make me mess it all up so that it is not even close to what i wanted and now i don't like it very much. Plus now i dont have a head start on it because i had to make the whole thing crappily on other paper which took me over 2 hours. SO actually doing it nice? I dont even want to know. AT LEAST all day tomorrow. If i go straight through and never stop. And it is a lot of paint... IBASbagbsighspg h.

But maybe i just am crank because I had a really hard week this week. And now i dont get to relax because i have so much homework. And that sucks. Because i want to relax. Oh and i have 2 lit papers due not tuesday but next tuesday which both have to be super good. And a french paper. I'll just tell you my list of stuf for this weekend.

1- 1 1/2 days-    Painting
1 1/2 hrs.           Reading Lit
5-6 hrs.             Lit paper 1
5-6hrs               Lit paper 2
2 hrs                 French paper
1-1/2 hrs           French vocab test flashcards/study
20 min               Math
1 hr                   French vocab week 5

That's a lot of crap! Not to mention i have to play at  pep game this weekend which will take up like 6-7 hours. Plus i am supposed to go to a halloween party that i don't even want to go to anymore except that i have a costume. And i am going to my uncles for halloween so i dont even know how i will do that nights homework. Maybe i will bring it with. But just like UGH. Also i have to do my Study Abroad stuff. I started but i have to look at course outlines and such to see what courses will match up. And meet with financial aid. And turn in forms to do electronic signatures. Yeah. I just need a break. And my room is a mess and it is driving me crazy. And now i am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and go do more of that stuff. Ad eventually sleep.

Cool thing is that my passport got here today so i am clear to flee the country! ... Maybe i will. No i won't but i wish. Though i told my french professor that I had for 200 last year that I am going to go abroad and she kinda freaked out. She told me that i don't have to drink wine maybe so that's good. Wine is gross.... But who know. When in Rome. Or you know... France. It's a custom. Tonight during homework i watched Alice in Wonderland and Aristocats. Both good. During my french midterm today i had to do a film review and i did it on Aristocats because it is a story that i know pretty well. But i think i did not super well on it. More like c+ b- range? I dunno i never feel confident with my french anymore. Oh next week we meet with advisors for classes for next term. Mine will probably look like this:
18 credits again but the PE class should be really easy everyone says. so really it should be like 16. I can;t take band though because of my British lit class. So that kinda sucks... But there are enough flutes now that i won't be missed. And I still will do the pep band stuff. So that is good. the 8 am looks crappy but i need that class so such is. Lots of breaks and a lot less time compared to my schedule now.

Oh if you didn't know my costume is Alice in Wonderland. I probably should have said that earlier. Oh well. I a tired and rambling i should go do work or sleep so i can get up tomorrow and work. Yeah later.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I wish i was rich so i could but all the cute Victoria's Secret things. :-(

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Judgement and Balance

I kind of feel like i am a mess. But i'm not acting like it. I just feel like i am CONSTANTLY being judged now. Like if i say something it is automatically because i like pink, or i'm a princess, or because it's me so of course i would like that. Or if i am not talking it is because i am in a bad mood. Or if i say anything about the wedding i am being picky, or dumb, or obsessive, or something. And i'm not really mad or anything but i just find it obnoxious. And with this whole wedding thing i just fel like people are giving me shit for DOING MY JOB. I'm not forcing anyone to make decisions i am just trying to figure out what people want from this. And trying to find things that maybe no one thought of yet. But i just feel like (not by you Megan) that i am getting all this flack from it. Like it's all i do anymore, but it isn't. Like it is just making me mad when i say oh i found sme cool bridesmaids dresses that Meg liked and people say "Well of course you would be looking at that". UH YEAH. I would. Because it has to be done eventually. And since I don't know how to help with anything else i am doing things that i know how to do! Or just if i say anything about anyone, then suddenly i have been having this deep hatred for someone or something when really it was just a little thing. Or i say hey that guy is cute then suddenly i am obsessed with him. Like none of these are big things they are just adding up and making me feel less accepted right now. Like i shouldn't like what i like, or say anything about anything because in a way whatever i say just gets demeaned. Like oh you would. ... Yeah i would or else i would have never said anything...

I dunno i just feel not very respected right now. Like everyone just thinks of me as a ditz and I am really not. It's just hurtful because I have been trying to not be the straight-A, perfectionist, hard worker, eye on the prize, people pleasing person that I used to be. But now it's like my opinions about little things don't matter.

Maybe it just feels this way because of being around Bryce... Sometimes he comes off really sexist and i don;t think he means to but I just find it really insulting. Today i said, ÿeah we are having turquoise dresses"not yellow, because most people look bad in yellow like me." And he says "Why just because it isn't pink you won't wear it?" No... I wear colors other than pink ALL the time... In fact i wear more blue than anything else. But it was just little things adding up and making me upset. And not only that it's making me just not want to say anything.

I dunno. Maybe i am taking things to heart too much. And really i am not that stressed out. And i am great at time managing and keeping what is most important first on things to do. Keeping my priorities straight i guess. I think maybe i just need a little more ME time. And a little more do things for myself moments. All about finding the right balance everyday.

And all this isn't to say that I am stressed about the wedding. We are only 6 days in. And i am having fun!

On a very side note...

About 2 months ago i started trying to watch what i eat a little more. But mostly just tracking what i do eat. Not that i think i am fat by any stretch. It was mostly just something to occupy myself with and when i biked showed how much i would burn and stuff. But i started noticing that i would think of how many calories something had instead of whether i actually wanted to eat it. Like I would think hey i want subway and then i would say but my sandwich has 820 calories and i can only eat 1200 a day or whatever. Which is dumb. I mean I'm pretty young and i feel like i look pretty normal for my age and though my BMI is overweight that system was never made to show whether you were actually healthy or not. And i don't have an eating disorder or anything and i still eat whatever I want even if i go over calories or whatever. I just wish that i wouldn't think about it? I dunno not an issue and i don't intend for it to ever be one. I just wish that society wouldn't make it an issue. It can destroy people.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MOH Engage!

So I am the Maid of Honor for the wedding!!! Pretty exciting/ nerve wracking. Lots to do on top of school. But I think i'll manage. Today i went and got a big binder and supplies to make the ultimate wedding book. I also bought a bunch of magazines so that we could get some good ideas and have them put somewhere orderly. I think Megan is a little delusional about what all really has to be done... But that's okay.

I'm worried about planning the Bridal Shower and Bachelorette. I'm not 21 so that limits things.... Maybe more of a spa weekend thing? I dunno but i feel like i need to lock in a date for the Bridal shower that is good... That was people from out of town can figure out if they want to go and when it is to plan it... :-/ Scary.Yeah it kinda feels like suddenly y life is like 5000 times crazier. Like here i am minding my own busisness. Taking 18 credits. Then BAM help plan wedding. BAM plan 2 parties. BAM after that go to France. BAM. It just seems like a lot of crazy.

It's times like this that i wish i had someone who wasn't connected to all this to talk to about it. Like a guy person... But then i think no because that would just be added stress on top of all this... And i don't really need that. I know my life isn;t as crazy as Megans. But at least she got to work her way into the crazy. I feel like it's just like here you go have fun with all these shenanigans.

I feel tired just thinking about the next year of my life... Siggghhhhh.....

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Spegan got engaged this weekend! I was so excited. I had known for like a month but couldn't be excited about it because it hadn't happened yet. And they aren't planning it for Oct-December of next year so I am cleared to go to France!!! I am so excited it is surreal. :-)

Feels also on the flip side kinda weird that now my family is all paired up and i'm just kinda here... Though i am in no rush or anything so I guess it is good. Just kinda weird but then again it's bee this way for a year so oh well.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Unbreakable Chain

I lost my unbreakable chain that i got from Fred Meyers and it makes me really sad. I have a replacement on on but it is not the same/ i think it will start to turn colors because it isn't real white gold like my last one. But it feels so bizarre not wearing one because i have been for the past 5 years and so now i have to fake it... :-( This is why i never take it off!

Boo massage lady for making me take it off. But mostly boo me for forgetting to do it that morning.

My current issue....

I can post it because no one really even knows i have this blog. I'll probably delete it after a few days for safety.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quote for the Past Year

"I hope you live a life you are proud of. If you find you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald

An Early Christmas List

 For anyone doing early shopping this year. It's a list of things that I would enjoy having but don't want to splurge on.

  • Medium sized sharp knives
  • Nice bike seat
  • Pedometer
  • Le Petit Nicolas books in French
  • World of Color anything.
  • Basic silver studded earrings
  • French related anything.
  • Victorias Secret Lotion
  • Make-up Brushes

Art 1 Lines

This is my picture from my Art class. Its about lines and value and movement. Ideally you are supposed to look at the left then the thing like it to the center right.