Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MOH Engage!

So I am the Maid of Honor for the wedding!!! Pretty exciting/ nerve wracking. Lots to do on top of school. But I think i'll manage. Today i went and got a big binder and supplies to make the ultimate wedding book. I also bought a bunch of magazines so that we could get some good ideas and have them put somewhere orderly. I think Megan is a little delusional about what all really has to be done... But that's okay.

I'm worried about planning the Bridal Shower and Bachelorette. I'm not 21 so that limits things.... Maybe more of a spa weekend thing? I dunno but i feel like i need to lock in a date for the Bridal shower that is good... That was people from out of town can figure out if they want to go and when it is to plan it... :-/ Scary.Yeah it kinda feels like suddenly y life is like 5000 times crazier. Like here i am minding my own busisness. Taking 18 credits. Then BAM help plan wedding. BAM plan 2 parties. BAM after that go to France. BAM. It just seems like a lot of crazy.

It's times like this that i wish i had someone who wasn't connected to all this to talk to about it. Like a guy person... But then i think no because that would just be added stress on top of all this... And i don't really need that. I know my life isn;t as crazy as Megans. But at least she got to work her way into the crazy. I feel like it's just like here you go have fun with all these shenanigans.

I feel tired just thinking about the next year of my life... Siggghhhhh.....

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