Monday, January 7, 2013


So my tonsils hadn't improved and a couple nights ago i couldn't sleep because of a sore throat. It hurts when I swallow. So now that school started I went in to health services and told them the whole story. How i went to my primary doctor after one month and she did nothing and didn't test for anything and now it is about a month later and it isn't any better. She looked pretty skeptical at this point as to WHY they didn't even bother with a strep test just to rule it out. She said it costs like 5 bucks. Okay works for me! She said my throat is definitely irritated. And my left tonsil is VERY MUCH enlarged. She did a strep test and it was negative. Then she told me that she wants to refer me to an ENT (Ear Nose Throat) doctor. She ran my blood to rule out mono and see if something is going on in my blood work or i am fighting an infection. She also gave me some Penicillin to try for a week. If it gets better then YAY!!!!!! But if not then she suspects they will want to take them out... Which means surgery... Which means that I would also have to do recovery... In the middle of the term... Gross. SO i am hoping the antibiotics will get rid of it. At least I am telling myself it will.

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