Friday, January 11, 2013

Say whaaat?

So my positive feelings and attitude about my tonsils turned out to be a bust. I went to the ENT doctor and he pretty much looked (after an hour of talking about housing market, financial aid, how to get a job, Stephen King, mouth guard things, his kids, art history, etc.*) ((*if even an etc could exist from this vast array of topics)) and said that YES they are quite large and it would be best to take them out. He said if i didn't they would just get worse and worse and cause sore throats and sickness and colds and make it harder to breathe, and act up at inopportune times. He said if i didn't have the surgery he would give me antibiotics and i could take them after they act up and cause problems but that it would never go away. GREAT.

So the surgery will take about 30 minutes and have a recovery time of 10-14 days. That's missing a lot of school. But he can do my tonsils and my nose surgery at the same time. WHAT. WHAT NOSE SURGERY!?!? Apparently ladies and gentlemen, the reason i breathe through my mouth is because my nasal cavities are TINY. So he wants to melt them somehow or something. But he can't do ALL of the things normally done in a plain nose surgery because he's not allowed or whatever. So if i really wanted to i could come BACK to finish the rest. WHAT. But he doesnt think i would need the other part. But the nose surgery would really help my sleep apnea. WHAT?! I have sleep apnea!? What is going on!?!?

Apparently I have:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Chronic Tonsillitis
Chronic Tonsillolith
Nasal Obstruction

GREAT! Just what i always wanted... So now i have to figure out when the heck i am going to do this all. I think what i am starting to realize is that the sooner that i do it will overall be better. And better to miss school early in the term than later. And not wait until next term when i have a bunch of teachers that i don't know. So Spring break wouldn't be long enough and would then kill any spring break plans. And summer is kinda out because of all the events that i have going on and then if something went wrong like an infection or something then it is a problem because of France. So CRAP! This sucks!!!

There is a ton of health benefits of doing it. But frankly it sounds like a real pain in the ass. Especially because like who is going to take care of me? So that sucks... And what about classes?

So i emailed all my professors saying i want to have meeting with them. But i think that the best thing to do is to move forward with it and get it done ASAP. Or else i know me and i will try to put it off for the rest of forever and then it will just get worse and worse.

P.s. I thought it was interesting about the nose thing that he could tell i don't breathe through it like EVER. After one look. Why did no one ever tell me to get this done before. My nose breathing is pathetic. I guess i will (pun coming up) breathe a little easier knowing it will be done and out of the way for France though.  :-)

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