Sunday, November 13, 2011

Triple Bypass Double Man Burger

Last night i ate this. At Spencers house for dinner all the Bramble-wood guys decided to make this: the triple bypass double man burger. And i ate it. The whole thing. Its a grilled cheese then bacon and burger and ketchup and another grilled cheese. Yep.

Then i went to strike for the play. It started at 10 and we stopped at 1. It wasn't done but it'll get finished on Monday. The lift for the lights has been freaking out when moving so there wasn't much that i could do. But i got some stuff done. It was not very fun... Which is fine because its not really supposed to be. But afterwards i guess its a thing that they go to Sharis afterwards. So i went even though i felt sickish. But it was really early. And i was really tired. But it was okay. When i got in line to pay i started talking to Rob the Scenic Director. He asked if i was still thinking of transfering and i told him yes and that i had applied. He told me that he thinks i'm making the right decision. He said that since i have no desire in acting that i am doing the right thing in finding what i want to do. He says i'm smart. And that its a smart move. I like that.

I also liked coming home to no roommate. That's good. I hope that can happen at Western...

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