This is a blog where I'll be talking, whining, or being whatever emotion I want while sharing with you my experience as a Fox (Bruin...) at GFU!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Feliz Año Nuevo Parents!
So my parents are on a plane to Mexico right now which is pretty cool i think. Spur of the morning and found cheap tickets so i encouraged mom that we could find someone to take care of the dogs. So i guess i am coming home on Tuesday to help with that. They will be back Tuesday night so it is a pretty quick trip but i think they will love it. They need a good trip without us kids and moms face at the security gate showed she was pretty happy. But that was an interesting morning call. I am happy for them. They are spending New years in Mexico!
Today was pretty chill for those of us Mo-towners who are around enjoying our last week before school starts again. Meg and I spent our day at the boys house where we did... not a lot. Just Dance in the morning. Watched 21 Jump Street and then they played Quelf! and I played Dragoon. Until i got bored and we all sat around for an hour and a half. Ate au gratin potatoes and talked and such. Complete definition of a "lazy day". No one wanted to do anything outside of the living room and we all were being burrito blanket monsters all day since the boys don't pay for heating their house.
I had a good Christmas with the Helwigs yesterday. Chris is home now and it was good to see him. Hopefully i will again before he goes back to SoCal. Also, Robyn and I both got each other the exact same pajamas as gifts... And then the exact same pajamas for ourselves when we were purchasing the gift for each other. So that was pretty funny that we both thought such similar things, owls and Purple stripes for the win this year! But it was really funny. I got my sketch pad back from Grandpa and it is pretty sweeeeeeet. I love all his doodle work and now i have a full book of sketches he does and drawings and such. They are really cool. BUt it has been a great holiday! I am excited i have a week more of break but i have to use it to get a lot of forms done and scholarships. Blecccch. I will start on Tuesday :-) AFTER the new year :-)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas Ya'll
This year has been a pretty good christmas. We did the harkins christmases in a row and got to host at my house which was kinda cool. Much more laid back than it was at theirs i think. But maybe just because i am more comfortable at my own house. We had sooooo much food. All really good but wow lots of food!
I got a lot of cool french stuff this year and got a replacement chain for the one that i lost and even a little Eiffel tower to PUT on it! I got a new laptop cooling which i needed since mine broke. Also a teapot a calendar, some cool art, fuzzy pjs and socks, a t-shirt, and other stuff which was also good.
Mostly today we have been playing the new video games megan and spencer got and chillin. We played my new Disney Princess Candyland game as a family and also old maid. It was awesome! Mom made fudge finally after two group christmases without it! So that was good. Now i am debating to go change back into my sweaty clothes to play games or what. So i dunno. I've been playing a lot of Legends of Dragoon for PS1 lately. I'm only on the second disc out of four. But one of these days i'll have to get a lot of work done on my France application. Bleh. Applying to colleges sucks.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
I miss feeling important. In high school I felt important. I did a lot for a lot of different groups. I helped out a lot of people in different ways. I felt important to a lot of people.
Now i don't feel very important. I don't really feel like i am doing much. I'm not in a relationship anymore. And i'm not even like a special someone to anyone. No one talks about me with their extended family. And i miss that. And i miss DOING stuff. That made me feel important. Now i feel kinda unimportant.
I want a relationship. But not for the right reasons. I want to feel important again. And special to someone.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Christmas Break
Not much has really been going on to bother talking about. Mostly i've just been hanging out at Candlewood or at home doing nothing. I did crochet myself a scarf! That took me a couple days. I like it. Now i just need to make a hat. But i haven't gotten that bored yet. I took my computer in to get fixed last week. It kept having blue screens and shutting down and i guess it was a driver issue. So it was good i brought it in. They had to do a factory restore so I had to download a lot of my programs again. So that was sucky. But the computer guy was reallllly attractive. Reallly. So when i went to go pick it up I convinced Rosalyn to take the drive back home with me. She agreed.
Then i went ot the doctor. I've been having throat problems for like 3 weeks. And i noticed that my tonsils were abnormally large. And painful... So i decided to go in when i had to get my shots anyways. She looked at them and said she couldn't see past my tonsils to even see my throat. She said from the symptoms that i have it is probably not strep or mono. So maybe it will go away. She didn't give me anything for it. She said that if I've bee on the allergy pills for 2 weeks and there has been no difference then it's probably not that. So if I get sick i'm supposed to call them but other than that they won't do anything. Soooo thats helpful. In the meantime they hurt and make it harder to breathe. So that sucks. And i had to get 2 shots so that was no bueno. When i was going to go to bed i couldn't lift my arm to get my sweatshirt off so i had to have Rosalyn help me. Good friend that one.
But I haven't really been up to much besides that. Watched the last episode of Gossip Girl ever. I liked that show. Now I'm almost caught up with Vampire Diaries. Rosalyn's going home for Christmas today so I'll probably go back to the boys like I did yesterday, play some league or something. Mostly i am just enjoying break. I've read a couple books and bought a couple presents. Made a stocking. There has yet to be any significant snow so that's a little sad...
I'm trying to decide if i am going to go home Friday. I don't really have gas money so maybe i will just go after all our Christmases this weekend. Plus then it is a much shorter ride to Eugene. But i will have to see Spegans plans. But then i miss caroling. Which i would only be going to for the other people going. I don't really want to sing with my throat/tonsils being weird. Seems like just a bad idea. But I dunno i have heard word that there may be a Christmas party that night with Cassidy and Josh? But i haven't really gotten any info. So who knows. My break plans are all up in the air.
Also: Liv has decided to move out of the house because she is going to start going to a medical assisting school in Salem. So it just makes sense for her to live at home because it is closer. So i guess now i will have my own bathroom for a little while. But sounds like there will be some confusion with her and Roz about what is whose because there are some gray areas. So that should be interesting...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas...
But it looks good. We have white and red lights (odd for me but w/e). It looks good. Also the other night i put up outside Christmas lights on our stair rails and above the door. That was cool. I'm getting very Christmas-y this year which is cool because it has been a while since it really felt like a good Christmas to me. But now i think this is a good year for it. There's a possibility that we may host a Christmas on the closest Sunday at Candlewood which would be weird kinda. Not bad but weird. After we decorated the tree we all fell asleep which was kinda funny.
I woke up first and it kinda got me thinking. Our lives can change so fast. And when you graduate from High School everyone says that when you walk out that you are worried about what to do with your life. But i don't think it is really about what you do with your life but more about the decisions that you make that completely alter your life. If i had stayed at Linfield then right now i would probably be a theater major, living on campus, with a few friends, and would owe a crap ton of money in loans. In retrospect I'm a completely different major, living off campus in a house my parents own, with a bunch of really great friends, and owe a crap ton less money in loans. But i'm not. See that one decision totally has changed my life. And not that it is bad it is just different. Not to mention relationship stuff... But i am kinda trying to keep my mind off all of that lately... :-(
But this Christmas stuff has been fun. I went shopping at a bunch of thrift stores and got some good decorations I think. GIANT stockings. Pretty cool. Yeah :-)
Monday, November 19, 2012
I hate writing poetry.
But i just wrote this. I think it is probably crap and its by no means happy. But I just wanted to write and this is what came to me.
My eyes blur
Your words like ice,
freeze my body.
My breathing halts. I
can’t blink.
My head shuts down, everything
To let my crystal heart
My lips quiver, I search
but no response.
I try to move but my
feet are solid.
I’m suffocating
Suddenly screaming
I can’t make sense
My head says a
thousand things.
Yet I say nothing.
Shoulders tense.
I want to cry. But I can’t.
I can’t. I try. But I can’t.
I am stone.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Winter 2013 Schedule
Another 18 credits but I am hoping that it will feel easier because I am in class for less hours. And I won't have the crappy art class that sucks the time out of my weekends.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Hair and Half Loafs
I've thoroughly been enjoying my weekend so far. Thursday we had glee night with just Roz, Eli, Oryan and me. IT was diferent with just us four but it was fun all the same. There was no homework that night! (For me) Then today i woke up before my regular alarm goes off feeling sore but great. Went to Starbucks with Chelsea and Roz and heard about their degree changing ideas. Then went back and worked on my art project before going to a Chiropractor appointment. I felt much better after my half hour massage! :-) And came home and did art. Then on a whim Rosalyn and I decided to go out and get haircuts from Oryans older sister who is awesome at cutting hair. I am shocked she works at Super Cuts because she is crazy good at hair. She wants her own salon and I would so go there! I cut it shorter than usual but it is still long. Not chopped all of by any means. Though i think i look more like mom now... But Rosalyn with her super long hair decided to go short and cut it. Then after we got home she dyed it.
Looked/looks like this now:
I like it. I cut mine shorter and it gave her the courage to go for it. She looks super good i think. Which is saying something because i don't tend to like short hair very much. She took that picture in the car on the way home. But then we came home and watched Say Yes to the Dress and I finished my second art collage. Which again took a really long time. But its cool. I unintentionally made planet looking things. But they are cool i think. Also i taught Rosalyn about half loaf sales ;-)
Tomorow i have a pep game and then going home so that i can go dress shopping on Monday!
Looked/looks like this now:
I like it. I cut mine shorter and it gave her the courage to go for it. She looks super good i think. Which is saying something because i don't tend to like short hair very much. She took that picture in the car on the way home. But then we came home and watched Say Yes to the Dress and I finished my second art collage. Which again took a really long time. But its cool. I unintentionally made planet looking things. But they are cool i think. Also i taught Rosalyn about half loaf sales ;-)
Tomorow i have a pep game and then going home so that i can go dress shopping on Monday!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Aix Look 2
This is another site that shows what the deal is on my Study Abroad.
This is another site that shows what the deal is on my Study Abroad.
Monday, November 5, 2012
What a rough couple of days. I have been feeling exhausted lately. 18 credits with the classes that they are kinda kills me sometimes. Especially this stupid art class that is 6 hours a week and 12 on Saturdays. Because of how much work I have to do for it. Thats just obnoxious. This past week i had my midterm papers. They were kinda hard and i am not happy with them. In general just boring and not super well written with good translations. It has been a while since i wrote a real essay so it just gets away from me. Anyways those are due on Tuesday along with my French essay and vocab test and a math test. Not hard but just a lot of work. This weekend I went and looked at a wedding venue with Spegan. It was alright. I think not their style. The ceremony part was but the actual reception wasn't what i think they are looking for. Yesterday though it all just hit me like how much stuff is going on. And mostly how much money everything is going to cost me. I feel like i have less time than work. When we got back home yesterday i just crashed on Rosalyns bed and unloaded my stress. My problem with all this wedding stuff is that it isn't happening on a timeline that makes sense to me. Which is whatever but it's sucky when i block out a day to do wedding stuff and get in that mindset that we just from lets spend 5 hours today looking at one venue. Then come home and lets do homework all night. I dunno maybe it is just me thinking wouldn't this make more sense to just take a full day and look at 3 or 4 places and get that scheduled so that we don't have to make 4 different trips? I guess because we have to have every person in the families opinion. But i guess what makes no sense to me isn't that but for which areas of the wedding does who's input or opinion matter. I dunno maybe it's better for me to just go hands off for the wedding. I don't really understand what is going on anymore.
I have been feeling like i am going to throw up for like a week now. I think it i from stress but it is really annoying. Tonight Rosalyn and I went to Olive Garden in order to de-stress/ we had been craving it. afterwords we went to Target and that was fun. This was after spending 3 and a half hours at the library writing on of my papers.I need to get a move on with my France stuff. And tomorrow i have to meet with my adviser to figure out next terms classes for sure. I hope it doesn't go horrible. But mostly lately i am getting that sense of oh crap i have to spend so much money on stuff soon. Which makes me stress out. It makes me feel like i need to have a job right now in order to pay for stuff that is coming up. But really do i have time for that? I wish...
I need to send out my Christmas list.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
IAU - First Look
This is the website to the college abroad i am applying for:
It doesn't really say much about the school but mostly about being abroad.
This is more fun to look at. It is collection of photos taken by people who are there.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
I Kinda Hate My Art Teacher/ Everything Else
All he does is waste my time, make me spend a crap ton of money on stuff i will never use, ruin things i am working on by illustrating things for me ON my project, and then tells me i have to do it again. And uses my paint brushes wrong so that they get all messed up. Talk in a language that i don;t unsertand or care about.
I mean i can't just have an idea of what i want to do but he has to make me mess it all up so that it is not even close to what i wanted and now i don't like it very much. Plus now i dont have a head start on it because i had to make the whole thing crappily on other paper which took me over 2 hours. SO actually doing it nice? I dont even want to know. AT LEAST all day tomorrow. If i go straight through and never stop. And it is a lot of paint... IBASbagbsighspg h.
But maybe i just am crank because I had a really hard week this week. And now i dont get to relax because i have so much homework. And that sucks. Because i want to relax. Oh and i have 2 lit papers due not tuesday but next tuesday which both have to be super good. And a french paper. I'll just tell you my list of stuf for this weekend.
1- 1 1/2 days- Painting
1 1/2 hrs. Reading Lit
5-6 hrs. Lit paper 1
5-6hrs Lit paper 2
2 hrs French paper
1-1/2 hrs French vocab test flashcards/study
20 min Math
1 hr French vocab week 5
That's a lot of crap! Not to mention i have to play at pep game this weekend which will take up like 6-7 hours. Plus i am supposed to go to a halloween party that i don't even want to go to anymore except that i have a costume. And i am going to my uncles for halloween so i dont even know how i will do that nights homework. Maybe i will bring it with. But just like UGH. Also i have to do my Study Abroad stuff. I started but i have to look at course outlines and such to see what courses will match up. And meet with financial aid. And turn in forms to do electronic signatures. Yeah. I just need a break. And my room is a mess and it is driving me crazy. And now i am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and go do more of that stuff. Ad eventually sleep.
Cool thing is that my passport got here today so i am clear to flee the country! ... Maybe i will. No i won't but i wish. Though i told my french professor that I had for 200 last year that I am going to go abroad and she kinda freaked out. She told me that i don't have to drink wine maybe so that's good. Wine is gross.... But who know. When in Rome. Or you know... France. It's a custom. Tonight during homework i watched Alice in Wonderland and Aristocats. Both good. During my french midterm today i had to do a film review and i did it on Aristocats because it is a story that i know pretty well. But i think i did not super well on it. More like c+ b- range? I dunno i never feel confident with my french anymore. Oh next week we meet with advisors for classes for next term. Mine will probably look like this:
18 credits again but the PE class should be really easy everyone says. so really it should be like 16. I can;t take band though because of my British lit class. So that kinda sucks... But there are enough flutes now that i won't be missed. And I still will do the pep band stuff. So that is good. the 8 am looks crappy but i need that class so such is. Lots of breaks and a lot less time compared to my schedule now.
Oh if you didn't know my costume is Alice in Wonderland. I probably should have said that earlier. Oh well. I a tired and rambling i should go do work or sleep so i can get up tomorrow and work. Yeah later.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Judgement and Balance
I kind of feel like i am a mess. But i'm not acting like it. I just feel like i am CONSTANTLY being judged now. Like if i say something it is automatically because i like pink, or i'm a princess, or because it's me so of course i would like that. Or if i am not talking it is because i am in a bad mood. Or if i say anything about the wedding i am being picky, or dumb, or obsessive, or something. And i'm not really mad or anything but i just find it obnoxious. And with this whole wedding thing i just fel like people are giving me shit for DOING MY JOB. I'm not forcing anyone to make decisions i am just trying to figure out what people want from this. And trying to find things that maybe no one thought of yet. But i just feel like (not by you Megan) that i am getting all this flack from it. Like it's all i do anymore, but it isn't. Like it is just making me mad when i say oh i found sme cool bridesmaids dresses that Meg liked and people say "Well of course you would be looking at that". UH YEAH. I would. Because it has to be done eventually. And since I don't know how to help with anything else i am doing things that i know how to do! Or just if i say anything about anyone, then suddenly i have been having this deep hatred for someone or something when really it was just a little thing. Or i say hey that guy is cute then suddenly i am obsessed with him. Like none of these are big things they are just adding up and making me feel less accepted right now. Like i shouldn't like what i like, or say anything about anything because in a way whatever i say just gets demeaned. Like oh you would. ... Yeah i would or else i would have never said anything...
I dunno i just feel not very respected right now. Like everyone just thinks of me as a ditz and I am really not. It's just hurtful because I have been trying to not be the straight-A, perfectionist, hard worker, eye on the prize, people pleasing person that I used to be. But now it's like my opinions about little things don't matter.
Maybe it just feels this way because of being around Bryce... Sometimes he comes off really sexist and i don;t think he means to but I just find it really insulting. Today i said, ÿeah we are having turquoise dresses"not yellow, because most people look bad in yellow like me." And he says "Why just because it isn't pink you won't wear it?" No... I wear colors other than pink ALL the time... In fact i wear more blue than anything else. But it was just little things adding up and making me upset. And not only that it's making me just not want to say anything.
I dunno. Maybe i am taking things to heart too much. And really i am not that stressed out. And i am great at time managing and keeping what is most important first on things to do. Keeping my priorities straight i guess. I think maybe i just need a little more ME time. And a little more do things for myself moments. All about finding the right balance everyday.
And all this isn't to say that I am stressed about the wedding. We are only 6 days in. And i am having fun!
On a very side note...
About 2 months ago i started trying to watch what i eat a little more. But mostly just tracking what i do eat. Not that i think i am fat by any stretch. It was mostly just something to occupy myself with and when i biked showed how much i would burn and stuff. But i started noticing that i would think of how many calories something had instead of whether i actually wanted to eat it. Like I would think hey i want subway and then i would say but my sandwich has 820 calories and i can only eat 1200 a day or whatever. Which is dumb. I mean I'm pretty young and i feel like i look pretty normal for my age and though my BMI is overweight that system was never made to show whether you were actually healthy or not. And i don't have an eating disorder or anything and i still eat whatever I want even if i go over calories or whatever. I just wish that i wouldn't think about it? I dunno not an issue and i don't intend for it to ever be one. I just wish that society wouldn't make it an issue. It can destroy people.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
MOH Engage!
So I am the Maid of Honor for the wedding!!! Pretty exciting/ nerve wracking. Lots to do on top of school. But I think i'll manage. Today i went and got a big binder and supplies to make the ultimate wedding book. I also bought a bunch of magazines so that we could get some good ideas and have them put somewhere orderly. I think Megan is a little delusional about what all really has to be done... But that's okay.
I'm worried about planning the Bridal Shower and Bachelorette. I'm not 21 so that limits things.... Maybe more of a spa weekend thing? I dunno but i feel like i need to lock in a date for the Bridal shower that is good... That was people from out of town can figure out if they want to go and when it is to plan it... :-/ Scary.Yeah it kinda feels like suddenly y life is like 5000 times crazier. Like here i am minding my own busisness. Taking 18 credits. Then BAM help plan wedding. BAM plan 2 parties. BAM after that go to France. BAM. It just seems like a lot of crazy.
It's times like this that i wish i had someone who wasn't connected to all this to talk to about it. Like a guy person... But then i think no because that would just be added stress on top of all this... And i don't really need that. I know my life isn;t as crazy as Megans. But at least she got to work her way into the crazy. I feel like it's just like here you go have fun with all these shenanigans.
I feel tired just thinking about the next year of my life... Siggghhhhh.....
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Spegan got engaged this weekend! I was so excited. I had known for like a month but couldn't be excited about it because it hadn't happened yet. And they aren't planning it for Oct-December of next year so I am cleared to go to France!!! I am so excited it is surreal. :-)
Feels also on the flip side kinda weird that now my family is all paired up and i'm just kinda here... Though i am in no rush or anything so I guess it is good. Just kinda weird but then again it's bee this way for a year so oh well.
Feels also on the flip side kinda weird that now my family is all paired up and i'm just kinda here... Though i am in no rush or anything so I guess it is good. Just kinda weird but then again it's bee this way for a year so oh well.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Unbreakable Chain
I lost my unbreakable chain that i got from Fred Meyers and it makes me really sad. I have a replacement on on but it is not the same/ i think it will start to turn colors because it isn't real white gold like my last one. But it feels so bizarre not wearing one because i have been for the past 5 years and so now i have to fake it... :-( This is why i never take it off!
Boo massage lady for making me take it off. But mostly boo me for forgetting to do it that morning.
My current issue....
I can post it because no one really even knows i have this blog. I'll probably delete it after a few days for safety.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Quote for the Past Year
"I hope you live a life you are proud of. If you find you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
An Early Christmas List
For anyone doing early shopping this year. It's a list of things that I would enjoy having but don't want to splurge on.
- Medium sized sharp knives
- Nice bike seat
- Pedometer
- Le Petit Nicolas books in French
- World of Color anything.
- Basic silver studded earrings
- French related anything.
- Victorias Secret Lotion
- Make-up Brushes
Art 1 Lines
This is my picture from my Art class. Its about lines and value and movement. Ideally you are supposed to look at the left then the thing like it to the center right.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Laptop Skin
I decided to get a laptop skin for my laptop. I got to pick the picture so i picked this because it isn't overly obnoxious so i can still feel sort of professional when going to class with it. Also, i like the colors a lot. SO basically I love it. And it is awesome. The colors are actually a little brighter but it still looks good. I cut out the hp circle because I think it looks way better uncovered. Plus it lights up so that's cool when its dark to see it. :-)
Ankles and Crutches and France! Oh my!
So on Monday when I fell down the stairs I twisted my ankle pretty bad. And it just wasn't getting better because I couldn't rest it. So after dad telling me i should think about crutches and my French teacher yelling at me to get crutches or else i would die, I got some. And they were a pain in the BUTT. I used them for one day and they gave me like huge bruises on my arms and like bruised my ribs on the sides and callused my hands. It was just a pain. But the next day when I had an appointment to go see someone about it, it felt better. So yay! But also why did i do crutches. I don't know. But it was dumb.
I am starting my Study Abroad information stuff. I am looking at programs and discovering that I don't like any of the programs very much that happen in the summer so I feel like I need to do it in the Spring or Fall or Winter... Which leads me to think i should do Fall of next year. That would allow me to go to the Fête de lumières in Lyon. Which I would love to be able to go to... So that would be AMAZING. Yeah that pretty much settled it... That's what I want. Committed. Also that would allow me to try and find a job next summer? So that I could have more money to spend. Yeah I like this idea. Yep. Anyways that was about 10 minutes of thought right there. But i have signed up for a study abroad info. session which is in 2 weeks. So i won;t have my break on Wednesday it will be straight 10-5. Blech. Oh well. Worth it!
Personally this last week was a little crazy. I feel like i will be kept really busy in my classes. I feel embarrassed in my french class because my speaking is not up to par with everyone else or i am not comfortable talking in it. (Which is why i am taking the conversation class) but its sucky so i try and make up for it by being really good on my studying each night. I am also taking Algebra which gives me homework every night but it is Algebra which i did in 8th grade so i am set on it. Just takes 45 minutes to an hour a night. French is about 2. And Literature is about 2-2 1/2 every other? And drawing i have no clue. Whatever i don't get done. But my schedule is getting to be a handful i feel like. I guess that is why most people don't take 18 credits a term if they can help it... Oh well.
I feel like there is a lot of useless drama and ?'s in my house right now. And I've been trying to just not let anything get to me because I really don't have time for it. But mostly now I feel like in the week /half the weekend all I do is homework or classes which is fine just kinda boring/ monotonous.
Monday, September 24, 2012
College Yr.2 D1
My day so far.
At least it is looking up? I’m planning on a jello cup after my last class.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
70 Sheets College Ruled
So every year before school starts i get super anxious. I don;t really know why but i suspect it comes from always trying to be sure i got perfect grades and everything ws set-up perfectly from the start for me to succeed and make a good impression on teachers and stuff. But needless to say that i a the queen of FREAKING OUT before school starts. Happens in the semester/terms too but it is always THE WORST after summer. And to be honest what am i really going to be doing tomorrow other than sitting and listening to course info and the syllabus but for some reason it is stressful. (Good thing i get a massage tomorrow!)
But regarless to all that the best way i have found for me to calm down during this very anxious and stressful time is to do some sort of collage. In past years i usually do about 5-6 with construction paper and magazines and i usually like how they turn out. Unfortunately, i neither had construction paper or magazines and my scissors have gone haywire sooo I couldn't do that. Instead i used all of Rosalyns sharpies and colored on my notepads for my notes. Here are the results:
Beginning Drawing 2D
French 300
British Literature. The B is a top hat/vest/monocle/pipe dude
College Algebra. MATH.
But regarless to all that the best way i have found for me to calm down during this very anxious and stressful time is to do some sort of collage. In past years i usually do about 5-6 with construction paper and magazines and i usually like how they turn out. Unfortunately, i neither had construction paper or magazines and my scissors have gone haywire sooo I couldn't do that. Instead i used all of Rosalyns sharpies and colored on my notepads for my notes. Here are the results:
Beginning Drawing 2D
French 300
British Literature. The B is a top hat/vest/monocle/pipe dude
College Algebra. MATH.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Glow Ball!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
2012 has a lot less posts than 2011. I guess because now that i have a schedule less things are exciting. Not much has been happening lately. I have started playing this game called Dofus again with Spencer and might go teach Eli how to play tonight. It is basically a game where you make a little character and there are different types of characters like archers or summoners or healers and from there you go fight things to get new items and equipment. It is just a good time killer and I find it relaxing. The game has a free to play mode where it restricts how high you can level and where you can go in the game. I am thinking of getting a subscription to it but haven't done it yet. But i have really been enjoying playing it.
I have also started recently biking more. I miss feeling good about how i look and when i feel like I can go out and do something active i feel better about myself. Which is nice. And I get in shape and out of the house. I've biked to the light to turn to Dallas which is 3 miles away and today i biked to Rickreal which is 5. I need some kind of fanny pack or bike pouch or something to keep my Ipod and phone in when i go though. Right now i just stuff them in my sports bra but then they get kinda gross... So yeah. Oh and i listen to my ipod because the path I take doesn't have cars because it is a bike path. So i am safe!
I have also become a lot more consistent in reading my Bible the last couple months. I'm on Matthew right now but i am not really liking it as much as I have liked Luke or Romans or John. But so goes it. Lots of music too. Whenever i am alone or in the shower it's what i listen to. And i can really see the difference that God is making in my life. And i feel like he is just so incredible.
So I am happy. :-)
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Bramblewood Camping
We had a great time camping! We went to Santiam Flats which was past
the Detroit Dam and in the lake. It was nice swimming! We were out there
for hours! I even swam across which was a lot of work! But one of my
friends is a lifeguard so i felt safe. The lake was nice because
there was no current.I ate my fair share of s'mores and then some.
But i think it was a fun time had by all. Our camp site was next to the highway and i was cold though so in the middle of the night i decided to sleep in my car. Which everyone gave me crap for the next morning. And Bryce gave me the sign language name of Tiara with a K. Because everyone calls me high maintenance. But it's all in good fun.
Made a trip to Mill City with Liv to get some more provisions. Someone had accidentally threw the hot dog buns in the bottom of a cooler when we left so after we got ice they were nice and soggy when we discovered their location. Oops...
But i think it was a fun time had by all. Our camp site was next to the highway and i was cold though so in the middle of the night i decided to sleep in my car. Which everyone gave me crap for the next morning. And Bryce gave me the sign language name of Tiara with a K. Because everyone calls me high maintenance. But it's all in good fun.
My back has been hurting a lot though the past couple days so i am excited to be able to go to the chiropractor again on Wednesday.
Glad to be showered and clean. Now back to the monotonous summer.
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