Thursday, January 26, 2012


I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are the bane of my existence. I am in class from 9 to 5 without a break. And it sucks. And then work out from 6 to 7.

Also i think that i don't want to major in Theatre. I am really not enjoying it lately. Too much of not what i want to do. And the people are kinda annoying which makes me think of the times at Thescon when i worked or talked to profesional people and they also seem annoying/rude. But i am really enjoying my literature class. I think next term i'm going to take another english class. I think that it would be cool to like be an editor or something. Like for books. I think i would like it. I don;t really know if they make money though. But it would be a cool thing to do.

Also i'm going on a date on Friday to Ihop with O'Ryan. It should be pretty fun :-)

I'm also kinda shoe shopping for tennis shoes. Mine are giving me blisters. So that's sucky. But i really hate my shop hours. They are not fun. And just gross. And people are annoying. But i've been sore since Tuesday when i took the pit cover off and was deemed the "strong one" so i did like twice as much work as everyone else. Which was bullshit because there were strong boys there. It sucked.  But mostly i'm just really tired. I don;t have class Friday morning though so i should be able to sleep in some. And that is good.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Slumber Party

I really like him. :-)

We like a lot of the same stuff. And i like that. 

We had a slumber party for Megans Birthday this weekend and it was super fun. Watched movies and ate tons of junk food. Then on Saturday we sat around all day and had a lazy day watching her play. It was really entertaining. And then we slept on the floor again. Well... the two of us did. Then today we went to Red Robin and it was good. Then we went to Petco and i got new fish! I hope they adapt alright. I got 2 tetras, 3 guppies, and 1 algae eater. I also got a picture thing for the back of my tank which i'd always kinda wanted. I hope its okay to have this many fish in this size tank. This brings the total to 13. And you're supposed to have 1 gallon per 1 inch of fish. So i'm over that. But... oh well. But hopefully they don't die! That would make me sad. 

But... I think that this is really gonna go somewhere. I don;t know if i'm totally ready yet. But i'm happier with him. And i feel like i'm happier here and that things are finally going good. And he is suuuuccchhh a nice guy. For reals. And he makes me laugh. :-) Yeah. 
Two of these

Two look like this
I got one of these
One looks like this

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sorta went out?

So last night I sorta went out with someone. I'm pretty sure it was a date but it wasn't labeled as such. But it was really fun. I enjoyed it. We went and walked to dinner in the snow/ice and then drove to a movie and it was good. Yeah i don't really wanna say much but i went out and it was fun. And he tried to fix my computer but it pretty much is just not gonna work. Which is fine because i don;t need that part to work for the computer to work if that makes sense. I'm just missing some software driver for my ethernet. But since there's wireless it's okay. I found out the reason that this hall gets wireless is because the lounge upstairs has wireless so because we are right under it there is some.

But yeah i sorta went out last night. And it was good.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Workin out and Goin' to Classes!

It's been a while. My bad. My classes are going well. I am taking 14 credits but now i just added another so it will be 15.

I'm taking a costuming class and the professor is really cool. She seems real and nice and stuff. Not much really to say everything this week has been really easy. I'm also taking a literature class but the professor like messed up his back so he cancelled class for yesterday. SO oh well. I haven't actually seen him yet. But the book we are reading seems really boring. It's called Pere Goriot by Balzack. It is a snoozer. Literally. I have fallen asleep both times i tried to read it. So that will be interesting. But the other books seem much more exciting. I;ve already read one of them last year in English class.

Those were my two Monday classes. On Tuesdays i have Public speaking which seems like it will be easy? Just kind of a pain to sit through. And finding speech subjects suck. I am not very passionate about a lot. Unless i'm in a mood. But that's that. Then i have 10 minutes to get to the Auditorium. Today i only had 8 so i was running and it hurt. But then i have my props class which i really like. We're going to actually be making food props and another prop. I think it should be fun. We're in groups of 3 and most of the class is junior and senior theater majors. My group is 2 boys and i think one is a senior and one is a junior? But i don;t really know. But each group has a play to do props for and so we had to read it and on Tuesday we are all going to present each play and some stuff about it. So i stayed up and read it last night in case we were going to talk about it today. Which we did but the other two didn't so i got to be a suck up and look really good in front of the professor because i'd actually done it. :-P It was good for me. Then i have ten minutes to walk across the street to band. Which i have kinda been having issues with. The counting system is really weird and doesn't have numbers so it's like "La lee la lee potatoe le laaaaaa potatoe po-laaa le la" Literally. SO that has been sucky. And then i feel like a dumbass. And my counting is like what? And i sound bad and the music is hard and weird and it is just bad news. I don't like it... But... It is paid for with my scholarship. So... fine.

And those are my classes. But now i am adding working in the shop for 5 hours a week. Which I will probably put in for 2 1/2 hours at a time after band on Tuesday and Thursday. Which will make those days 9:30-4:30 no break but i think i'd rather have that than put hours in on Friday. Because i want that with just my costuming class in the morning. So yeah... I;m also going to be working follow spot for Millie. I talked to the guy in charge of that stuff and he was like you'd have more fun on that than pressing buttons on a light board because thats boring... SO yeah! That's cool. I guess i also CAN take that for credit? So then i would have 16? I think? Which could be good. It feels like a lot but it also doesn't. I still have time to sit around and stuff. So that's good.

Also the Bramblewood family has been going out to the gym every night at 6-7 and working out. So i have too. It's been good. I burn about 420 calories each time. I do the bikes. They make my butt hurt but i can go on them without much trouble. I have discovered that it is easier for my breathing wise on a stationary bike because my lungs don't have to work as hard to get air because the air is stationary. I think that is a key thing too. When i actually bike the air is moving past me so it is harder to breathe. So on these i can go like 12 miles in an hour! Which is sweet! Today i went up to level 16 for a while. I set it to the pre-made workout levels so that it changes like it would in real life or works you the best or whatever.  So yep. Gettin' fit. Kinda.

Everything is going good and i am happy. I feel independent and in control and i can do whatever i want. People in my hall like me. So that's good. I've only locked out myself once so far. Knock on wood. But i like it. I like it here. I like my classes. I like life. ... :-)

Monday, January 9, 2012

WOU day 1

Holy crap. I like this college soooo much more already! I have met like a ton of people in my hall! I just propped open the door and people just like flock! I think because they want to see my awesome room. Kristen says that mine is the only double as single in Heritage that she knows of. And she goes on rounds like all the time. So everyone comes in and is like WOW. And mine looks the coolest. Duh. It's sweet. Totally worth the extra $.

Today I had Costuming and Lit. My costuming class seems like it will be fun. My Lit class looks like lots of reading. But the professor was sick today. After waiting for him to get there for 18 minutes everyone pretty much left. But then as Kristen and I were leaving we saw a professor looking guy running towards the building so we went back. But that guy just gave us the syllabus and was like ummm... okay bye. So that was a short 2 hour class. I got a bunch of stuff done. I filled out a revolving charge contract and got my parking permit sticker. And got an id card and new lanyard. And got my mailbox.   Ha. Just now more people stopped by my room.  But yeah! Walked around a lot. Ate chicken strips at Valsetz. Was good.

Moving in was such a breeze!!! I had a ton of help and it saved a BOAT LOAD of time. :-)
Check out the move here.

Tonight i'm gonna go sit on a bike in the gym for an hour! Should be goood.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Moving. Version 3...

This is my face right now as i am having to pack again... Really not looking forward to it. I'm pretty far a long because i kept most of it contained over break but i am SOOOOO tired of moving. Just the thought is like... UGH. What a pain. And now more college again.... I really hope I have a better time. I feel kinda bad because i took this picture off of this kids moms blog. But it is her fault for putting it on the internet. It does describe my face though. And he is cute. Oh well...

I;m not very excited for classes. But i suppose a student never really is. Maybe once i get established it will be better. On campus again though.... Ugh. Not happy. But it is a single. So thats good. I'm wondering if my dorm will have beds that i am able to move. And if i can... Cause maybe i would make a super bed. THat could be cool. But i guess i'll see. I got an ethernet cord and stuff so i think i am set as far as differences in rooms. I think i am not going to ring as much clothes as i did last time. I kinda had a way lot that i never wore.

I am becoming quite the good will jeans shopper. I like them because they are cheap and they are going to stay the size that they are when i buy them. Unlike new jeans that either shrink or expand once you wash and wear them.  My really cool stuff from Victorias Secret got here and i am super happy with them. I got a cool shirt with holes on the shoulders. So it's like wearing a tank top but it is a shirt. Happy. I got all my literature books from Powells so that really cut down on cost. Gt like 8 books for under 60. They were all half off or more. So YAY! Also i sold all my old textbooks! YAY! Such a breeze with Amazon. I would highly recommend it. I guess i am more anxious than anything about moving. I cut down on the extra stuff i'm bringing but really i have a lot of stuff... But i do use it... So whatever. Hopefully i don't have to move much anymore. Hopefully i am happy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Housing and Lighting Design

So i called the college and they said that they got my form but they had no single rooms but there's a waiting list and stuff. So i was like dang... But then she was like but you could get a super single for a little more. And i was like.... What? It's a double room but only i would be living in it. So it would have two of everything. Which may not be that bad... So i said yeah to that. Duh. I do not NOT want a roommate. I would like some friends though :-) I might be in the same dorm where my friend from high school is an RA. So that could be cool.

I did a lighting design for Godspell for the High school today. It was kinda fun but I am also pretty rusty at it. Lots of little things i was forgetting. I think it will work though. Hopefully. But hopefully they will get it done so i can come back some day after class to see/fix it... I dunno i'm self-conscious that it is bad...

I went to Kristens today and we had girl talk. I liked it. Especially because it was in a hot tub where i could relax. The board i used to make my design hurt my back because i was always leaning over it on a table. It worked great! But now i am sore. So i'm taking some drugs. Hopefully it will feel better tomorrow. Drivig to Mac and back though probably didn't help...