It's been a while. My bad. My classes are going well. I am taking 14 credits but now i just added another so it will be 15.
I'm taking a costuming class and the professor is really cool. She seems real and nice and stuff. Not much really to say everything this week has been really easy. I'm also taking a literature class but the professor like messed up his back so he cancelled class for yesterday. SO oh well. I haven't actually seen him yet. But the book we are reading seems really boring. It's called Pere Goriot by Balzack. It is a snoozer. Literally. I have fallen asleep both times i tried to read it. So that will be interesting. But the other books seem much more exciting. I;ve already read one of them last year in English class.
Those were my two Monday classes. On Tuesdays i have Public speaking which seems like it will be easy? Just kind of a pain to sit through. And finding speech subjects suck. I am not very passionate about a lot. Unless i'm in a mood. But that's that. Then i have 10 minutes to get to the Auditorium. Today i only had 8 so i was running and it hurt. But then i have my props class which i really like. We're going to actually be making food props and another prop. I think it should be fun. We're in groups of 3 and most of the class is junior and senior theater majors. My group is 2 boys and i think one is a senior and one is a junior? But i don;t really know. But each group has a play to do props for and so we had to read it and on Tuesday we are all going to present each play and some stuff about it. So i stayed up and read it last night in case we were going to talk about it today. Which we did but the other two didn't so i got to be a suck up and look really good in front of the professor because i'd actually done it. :-P It was good for me. Then i have ten minutes to walk across the street to band. Which i have kinda been having issues with. The counting system is really weird and doesn't have numbers so it's like "La lee la lee potatoe le laaaaaa potatoe po-laaa le la" Literally. SO that has been sucky. And then i feel like a dumbass. And my counting is like what? And i sound bad and the music is hard and weird and it is just bad news. I don't like it... But... It is paid for with my scholarship. So... fine.
And those are my classes. But now i am adding working in the shop for 5 hours a week. Which I will probably put in for 2 1/2 hours at a time after band on Tuesday and Thursday. Which will make those days 9:30-4:30 no break but i think i'd rather have that than put hours in on Friday. Because i want that with just my costuming class in the morning. So yeah... I;m also going to be working follow spot for Millie. I talked to the guy in charge of that stuff and he was like you'd have more fun on that than pressing buttons on a light board because thats boring... SO yeah! That's cool. I guess i also CAN take that for credit? So then i would have 16? I think? Which could be good. It feels like a lot but it also doesn't. I still have time to sit around and stuff. So that's good.
Also the Bramblewood family has been going out to the gym every night at 6-7 and working out. So i have too. It's been good. I burn about 420 calories each time. I do the bikes. They make my butt hurt but i can go on them without much trouble. I have discovered that it is easier for my breathing wise on a stationary bike because my lungs don't have to work as hard to get air because the air is stationary. I think that is a key thing too. When i actually bike the air is moving past me so it is harder to breathe. So on these i can go like 12 miles in an hour! Which is sweet! Today i went up to level 16 for a while. I set it to the pre-made workout levels so that it changes like it would in real life or works you the best or whatever. So yep. Gettin' fit. Kinda.
Everything is going good and i am happy. I feel independent and in control and i can do whatever i want. People in my hall like me. So that's good. I've only locked out myself once so far. Knock on wood. But i like it. I like it here. I like my classes. I like life. ... :-)
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