Monday, January 9, 2012

WOU day 1

Holy crap. I like this college soooo much more already! I have met like a ton of people in my hall! I just propped open the door and people just like flock! I think because they want to see my awesome room. Kristen says that mine is the only double as single in Heritage that she knows of. And she goes on rounds like all the time. So everyone comes in and is like WOW. And mine looks the coolest. Duh. It's sweet. Totally worth the extra $.

Today I had Costuming and Lit. My costuming class seems like it will be fun. My Lit class looks like lots of reading. But the professor was sick today. After waiting for him to get there for 18 minutes everyone pretty much left. But then as Kristen and I were leaving we saw a professor looking guy running towards the building so we went back. But that guy just gave us the syllabus and was like ummm... okay bye. So that was a short 2 hour class. I got a bunch of stuff done. I filled out a revolving charge contract and got my parking permit sticker. And got an id card and new lanyard. And got my mailbox.   Ha. Just now more people stopped by my room.  But yeah! Walked around a lot. Ate chicken strips at Valsetz. Was good.

Moving in was such a breeze!!! I had a ton of help and it saved a BOAT LOAD of time. :-)
Check out the move here.

Tonight i'm gonna go sit on a bike in the gym for an hour! Should be goood.

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