Sunday, January 22, 2012

Slumber Party

I really like him. :-)

We like a lot of the same stuff. And i like that. 

We had a slumber party for Megans Birthday this weekend and it was super fun. Watched movies and ate tons of junk food. Then on Saturday we sat around all day and had a lazy day watching her play. It was really entertaining. And then we slept on the floor again. Well... the two of us did. Then today we went to Red Robin and it was good. Then we went to Petco and i got new fish! I hope they adapt alright. I got 2 tetras, 3 guppies, and 1 algae eater. I also got a picture thing for the back of my tank which i'd always kinda wanted. I hope its okay to have this many fish in this size tank. This brings the total to 13. And you're supposed to have 1 gallon per 1 inch of fish. So i'm over that. But... oh well. But hopefully they don't die! That would make me sad. 

But... I think that this is really gonna go somewhere. I don;t know if i'm totally ready yet. But i'm happier with him. And i feel like i'm happier here and that things are finally going good. And he is suuuuccchhh a nice guy. For reals. And he makes me laugh. :-) Yeah. 
Two of these

Two look like this
I got one of these
One looks like this