Thursday, January 26, 2012


I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are the bane of my existence. I am in class from 9 to 5 without a break. And it sucks. And then work out from 6 to 7.

Also i think that i don't want to major in Theatre. I am really not enjoying it lately. Too much of not what i want to do. And the people are kinda annoying which makes me think of the times at Thescon when i worked or talked to profesional people and they also seem annoying/rude. But i am really enjoying my literature class. I think next term i'm going to take another english class. I think that it would be cool to like be an editor or something. Like for books. I think i would like it. I don;t really know if they make money though. But it would be a cool thing to do.

Also i'm going on a date on Friday to Ihop with O'Ryan. It should be pretty fun :-)

I'm also kinda shoe shopping for tennis shoes. Mine are giving me blisters. So that's sucky. But i really hate my shop hours. They are not fun. And just gross. And people are annoying. But i've been sore since Tuesday when i took the pit cover off and was deemed the "strong one" so i did like twice as much work as everyone else. Which was bullshit because there were strong boys there. It sucked.  But mostly i'm just really tired. I don;t have class Friday morning though so i should be able to sleep in some. And that is good.

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