Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gold and Green

I had a french test today. I feel like i did okay but not very good... I couldn't remember what un facture was and it was a bill. But i had to paraphrase it so i just said i didn't remember. Pity points maybe? Probably not. But oh well. I liked sleeping in today which was nice. 

The admissions lady at GF called me and said yeah it was still possible to get into it for Spring which is after Christmas break. So i applied. I probably can't afford it. But at least i'm trying. So who knows... 

Today for my last Colloquium class we dd this like personality test that i had done before. About like your leadership style or whatever. And the colors were Gold, Green, Blue, and Orange. I got Gold and Green. I was a full gold though. Which is the rarest of the four. And the opposite of blue which is the color that most people our age get. That was my least color...

  • Respects Authority Rules, Routines, Policies.
  • Alligant, Faithful, Dependable, Prepared, Efficient.
  • Remembers The Traditions That Work. Values Family.
  • Work Comes Before Play. Practical. Systematic. Orderly.
  • Identifies With Groups. Strives For A Sense Of Security.
  • Thorough, Sensible, Convential, Proper.
  • A Right Way To Do Everything. Stick-To-Itivness.
  • Evaluates Actions As Right Or Wrong.
  • Stable. Organized. Punctual. Helpful. 
Here is another link so you can see how true it is:

But i am clearly that... a things that stuck out to me was:
  • Golds need... to feel a sense of belonging at home, at work, at school, in the community, or in any group with which they are involved.  Feeling like an outsider or outcast is very disturbing to them.  
Yeah... Not surprised. But after that whole thing i took Sami and Katie to buy stuff... on the way there I saw Niki by herself and offered to buy her something. This was the first time i'd actually talked to her since everything but I just felt like i wanted to offer. She said no thanks but later she texted me saying she's sorry for how our friendship ended and she hoped i could forgive her and stuff. I said it was alright and I hadn't been holding it against her. But i think it was good. So yeah. I'd been wanting to talk to her about it for a while so maybe when she comes to give back the skateboard we can talk a little. That'd be good.  

1 comment:

  1. Blue and gold are opposites?? I remember I got blue and gold... lol. I think I was more blue though. I like how you merged the color thing with your college experience. :p
