Saturday, December 17, 2011


Today was pretty uneventful. Except not... I woke up early because i thought that i was going to go with Kristen to Hillsboro except then she had to help her mom. So then i was up for no reason. I decided that i'd hang christmas lights from our house because i like them and no one else has any interest in doing them... But i want them. So i was looking for them and a ladder when Spencer came home. And i thought he would help me but he went to sleep. So i found the lights and then found a ladder when Mr. Courtain came and got dads trailer. He got mad at me for the chance of me being on a ladder and fallng and no one being home. But it was literally a 4 ft ladder. If i fell the worst would be me getting a bruise... Yeah. So it was a litle ncalled for in my opinion but i guess he was just looking out for me. But in the rocess of looking for a ladder i found a baby salamander! I almost stepped on him except for i saw a bunch of leaves move and was like what?!

But he was adorable. I woke up Spencer and showed him and then put him back. But he was so cute.

Then i went to Winterfest. Which was nice because i got to see some teachers and stuff. Got my Godspell script from Barnett but it was blue so that was a little odd. Saw Cassidy who looked amazing. She's like the most gorgeous person i know. For reals. So when she like dresses up she looks like a runway model.  They had some of the mormon kids do a dance and it was amazing like with flipping of girls and stuff. Really cool like old fashion dance. I stood up and slow clapped for them. It was the best part. I enjoyed it.

Then i went home and spencer was awake so i asked him to help with lights. But i didn't have the right hooks. So we waited for dad to come home and he couldn't find the old ones so we went to get new ones. But when we go there mom said she knew where they were so it was kinda a waste... Oh well. Got a few more Christmas presents. And we had Spaghetti!!! So good!!! I loved it. Megan doesn't like it so we don't have it very often. But i like it! So it was good. Spencer and his friends lost their League of Legends Tourney. So kinda sucky for them. But i made chocolate covered Gummi Bears this year. Like legitimately. I may post a pic tomorrow if i remember. But i'm really tired. So i'm out. 

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