Monday, December 12, 2011


Lately i've been paying a lot of League of Legends. Which is a really popular online game. I started playing because all of Spencer and the bramblewood family play. I like it. It gives me something to do and its fun. It also gives me a chance to not think about myself and concentrate on something. But i like it. They give me lots of pointers and stuff and play with me.

This weekend Oryan and Eli came home too. It's been fun and i can;t wait to not be at Linfield. I have to go back tomorrow though to get all my large stuff moved with dad into the truck. But just for two days and then i am done. Done. Done. Done.

We finished decorating for Christmas here. And i wrapped some presents. I want to wrap more though. I miss that most about Christmas. Also i don't really have many gifts for people. But.. EH. How much more stuff do people really need?

I think that i got accepted to George Fox. They sent me this like username and password to track my forms so I feel like that's good. But i don't know how to use it... It is confusing. But i have to wait to hear from them about financial aid anyways. Which is kinda a pain because i don;t have much time. Now I'm really torn though. I feel like I am kinda starting to fit in with all of Spencers friends. Which is nice. But i mean if i went there they're all graduating soon... So i dunno. But i like hanging out with them. I like having people to hang out with. And i know i could get that either place but its nice that i have it now...

I don't know if i'm Christian enough to go to George Fox. Like i don;t mind going to the religious stuff and i like it. But i kinda cuss and stuff so :-/ But i dunno. Probably hopefully this week George Fox will send me something. But ugh. I dunno. I feel like i really have more opportunity at George Fox career wise. But i feel like socially i may be better at fitting in at WOU... Decisions.

Finals on Tuesday and Wednesday and then i'm done.

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