Monday, September 12, 2011

Brownie Night round 1

Hey ya'll. It's been a little longer than usual. But i came back to Linfield yesterday and then everything got craaazy. I went to the Spaghetti and Chocolate Cake Theater get to know everyone thing and that was pretty awkward. I had just eaten spaghetti the night before too. Oops. That was pretty poor remembering on my part...  But i went with my friend Sammi but she was feeling sick so yeah we cut out when it was appropriate to do so. Then she went to do homework and since i did mine at home i didn't really have anything else to do. So then i met up with Meghan, Ashley, Katie, and Niki and we decided to go find Niki a swim suit. So we went to Goodwill, Ross, and Wal-mart and no where had like any!!! So that kinda ruined that plan.

We decided to round up brownie night so since we had two boxes we did one last night with Sami, Katie and Niki and then are doing one tonight with more people.... I don't know if we'll have enough though now... We may have to get another box...

But that was fun! Tonight is Brownie night round 2!

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