Thursday, September 29, 2011

It Doesn't Take a Genius...

Why do all librarians assume that it takes a brain surgeon to figure out how to use the library?! Like seriously. Every single school makes you go through the learn how to use the library thing and they are all pretty much exactly the same... I got an assignment to look for a book since i was gone on Tuesday. She wanted me to make an appointment to learn how to find a book. But seriously.... I did it in five minutes.... Seriously. But they always want to show you how and make it seem really complicated. I'm pretty sure that i know that everything goes alphabetically. And then wow look at that then they go numerically!!!! WHO WOULDA THOUGHT!?!?

Yeah. I find it super annoying... i think i'm just venting though.

I really wanna say something to him... But I think that it is better to not... Even though i really wanna...

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