Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I feel Mad

I feel really mad and bitter righ now. Not at anyone but just in general. I;m mad that all i get to do is work. I;m mad that i;m hungry all the time. I'm mad that the Albertsons Pharmacy line was so slow. I;m mad that i have to write a paper. I'm mad that this author is basically calling everyone who does a BFA stupid and stuck up. Ilm mad that i have to listen to this acting crap when i could honestly care less right now. I'm mad that when i go on facebook all the posts are pictures. What the is this tumblr now?! I;m mad that i keep eating. I'm mad that i tried to buy jeans today and they all sucked. I'm mad that i spent all day yesterday working on my speech that she didn;t even take or look at today. I'm mad that my fingers are too short to reach the ' key so i always hit the ; key instead which makes me look stupid. I'm mad that i never get a break i feel like. I'm mad that my phone keeps turning off for no reason. I'm mad that i feel stuck here. I'm mad that i don't care about the quality of work i'm doing. I'm mad that i don;t have a computer lap desk so i get really hot. I;m mad that my bed has railings so i can't sit up on it without my neck hurting. And i'm mad that i don't have any apple cinnamon cheerios.

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