Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My head feels like bad

Wow. I woke up this morning and fell over. My head feels like when you stand up too fast and your eyes go black but the feeling won;t go away. When i walk i feel dizzy and like i;m going to pass out any second. I've been getting 8-9 hours every night. And i drink at least 2 of my water bottles a day. And i eat. But wow. I just feel completely spacey. I went to go to my car and i went to a car that looked completely not like my car. Yeah. Scary. I called health services and they;ll see me tomorrow. But for now i can't like do anything without feeling like crap. I took a nap when i got home. And now i don;t even think i can like stand up without my head throbbing. Bleh. I dunno what i'lll do about band tonight. Ugh.

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